You're my destination of choice [private]

The woman didn't really know what religion was, and if she did practice it she wasn't really meaning to. She just knew what was real to her and what felt right, which was to live in Aniwaya and get advice from her wonderful friend Utriu. She was friends with wolves too, of course, but had only felt that sort of kinship bond with someone else a few times in her life.

"Sometimes I think we're too easy in the joining process. Maybe we should be more specific with what we want...and with askin' if they're gonna be stickin' around. But then we prolly wouldn't have any members at all. I guess all we can do is reward the ones who do stay." They walked for a few moments before he spoke again, and she immediately agreed. "Definitely. I suppose there's always Crimson Dreams, where my brother lives...and our family in Dahlia. But those are bonds that haven't been explored. I would like to think that they might help us if we needed it, but it's hard to be sure." This trading relationship was a really good start, in her opinion.


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