Preperation for the unfathomable

wc: 400

hope you get your computer fixed soon :c


The young female laughed softly. “Surely I am not better than you.” She smiled, keeping her gaze locked with his. She was beginning to feel warm under her fur, and she wasn’t sure if it was from the exertion or something else.

It really had been too long since she had done any fighting. She knew that Ty wouldn’t hurt her, but for some reason it was vastly important that she not make a fool of herself. She watched as he sized her up, his eyes darting all over around her body.

The young Tenens knew she had great stamina, and that she was fairly light on her feet, but that didn’t mean anything if her opponent was stronger than her. She could dodge and weave and swerve all she wanted but it would take one good hit from the opposing wolf and she would be down and out.

Andy kept her footing as the red male circled slowly around her, his body slung low to the ground as he stalked around her. She stepped slowly, in time with his steps, turning her body in small degrees so that her back would not be vulnerable. If her father had ever stressed anything, it was never turn your back on an opponent.

The young male lunged forward then, catching her off guard. She leaped back, but she felt a light push as his paw swiped at her chin. It grazed it lightly, almost missing, but he had been too quick. She had underestimated him; his size didn’t hinder his speed at all.

She shook her head quickly, keeping her eyes trained on her larger opponent. She smirked, her tail wagging, as she sprang forward, dancing around him in loose circles. She knew her style was unconventional, but at times it served well to confuse her enemies, and while Ty was very far from being an enemy of hers, she did want to confuse him right now.

After she had circled him a few times, she darted forward, aiming a cuff at his ear. She kept the blow soft, not aiming to hurt him,. She just wanted to get a hit in. Her ears were pinned back as she moved, not in aggression, but from the adrenaline coursing through her body. She grinned again, her tongue lolling out, as she lowered herself to the ground, her eyes trained on his.


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