This Is The Life On Mars

No worries! I made you wait too long, too. I'm sorry. :/ also, Kansas is a 'tard.

What had he just told this man? Kansas spaced out for several seconds, worry working its way through his entire body; his torso and abdomen tensed and he fidgeted with the strap of his satchel. Why had he shared with Cotl that he'd had sex with Naniko? Paranoia momentarily took him over, and he was only able to release an almost involuntary laugh at Cotl's continuing comments about Ember. What if the coyote hybrid told someone who told Savina that he'd been bragging about the threesome and then she hated him? Kansas shook his head to and fro, try to shake away his troubling thoughts, thoughts that reiterated in his mind like a broken record. He recognized finally that Cotl was holding out the gas mask; it was almost touching Kansas' nose. Oh yeah! He took the mask and secured it over his face. Getting more stoned would relieve him. He'd forgotten that he didn't want any more.

He swiped the nug from his friend and lit himself another hit, breathing in deeply until he felt his lungs would implode. He removed the mask and let it dangle before Cotl from his finger, coughing loudly. The warm, fuzzy feeling that enveloped his senses intensified, so that it was as if nothing he saw was real. Everything—the color of Cotl's eyes, the pattern of speckles on the horse's ass, the stone of the concrete library steps—was extraordinarily beautiful. His companion's voice came to him from somewhere in the distance, and Kansas again shook his head and came back to life. That outburst had hit a nerve, and Kansas laughed so hard his eyes watered. "Christ, man!" He sighed and proceeded to the 'yote's question. "The fuck, why you wanna know about my family?" he questioned, grinning. Then he poked Cotl's arm as if this was cool. "Just kiddin'. I have so much family! There are Sadiras everywhere, even if they don't share the "Sadira" name. I worry that one day some'a my relatives are gonna start inbreeding without even knowing it." He giggled. "But I didn't. My girl is from Italy, and if you're talking hot... Mmmm."


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