Help me out, said the eagle to the dove
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I know, that's exactly what I was thinking too XD No worries Smile as long as you don't expect me to match it it's all good, hehe. 516

Cambria loved her family with all her heart and to think that others were not so lucky as she was made her sad. The person that instantly came to mind was her cousin Conor. She didn't know the specifics of his family life, but she knew that Alexey was his primary caretaker and the Koios woman was not his actual mother. If she had known the truth of his situation it would have made her even more sad. Conor was a wonderful boy and he deserved more than life had given him thus far. Now matter how shaky their start had been the two connected by blood had become close and it was in her nature to want the best for those she cared so deeply for. Conor had been there for her when she had needed him and she hoped that one day she would be able to be there for him in a time of need. Cambria felt her cheeks burn again at another compliment from Dawali, her tail wagging shyly. She did not think she was anywhere near as lovely as her mother, but it was very nice of the Kalona to say so.

Age was not something she thought of much when it came to others. Really there were only two categories in her head: adults and kids like herself. She had yet to meet anyone younger than her and even though Conor was a little bit older, she still stuck him in the same category as she herself was in. Cambi didn't even know how her parents were really, she just knew that they were smart and wise. Dawali also seemed very smart and wise and he did not look incredibly older than her parents and so she did not consider him to be as much their senior as he actually was. The figure he gave her was a bit surprising, but the girl still didn't think he was that old. "Yeah, but I'm really young, not even a year old. Almost anyone would seem old compared to me." Dawali's fur wasn't graying and she knew nothing of the aches in his joints. To her he seemed no older than any other adult that she had encountered.

Her sea foam orbs watched her mentor with interest as he did his best to explain what horses were. She hadn't seen many deer in her life, but she had the basic outline of their appearance in her mind. Imagining them without antlers wasn't too difficult, considering the females didn't have them. She had no idea why they would be keeping these horses, but they didn't seem that scary. "Sure, I'll come in and see them." She was feeling a little adventurous and he had said they couldn't get to her, so she would be safe even if they did try to frighten her. "Why do you keep the horses here Dawali?" The only guess she could make was for food, but that seemed unnecessary to her. Surely there were plenty of deer and other game to hunt without keeping animals inside a building.


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