My head gets so confused

short ><

Since her own had grown, and two left the nest, Anu had always thought of Savina and Kansas’s pups as an extension of her adopted brood. Though she loved all the pups that lived in the pack her relationship with Savina had made her something like an aunt to the three. When Cambria had been hurt she had felt the same sort of emotions her mother had, though perhaps just a different degree of that same sadness and fear. Her own daughter was off in some far off place and that in addition to the general motherly love she felt for the young girl made Anu all the more eager to check on her and see what she might be up to.

Anu looked at the bird, not having known that she was keeping it Anu found it quite a change from the caterpillar that she had kept before. No doubt Cambria was caring for the dove as she had the insect, and the woman watched as she calmed the bird. The Lt. General took a step back, giving the pair space as she had surprised them both. At the invitation she walked through the door and commented,
“I didn’t know you had a roommate.” Eye drifted around the room, curious to know what other creatures she might be hiding, her face wearing a soft and warm smile.

Blue eyes landed on the girl, and she noticed that she was unlike her normal friendly self. Finding her anxious Anu let her face turn concerned. She spoke, and Anu nodded in response and then turned to close the door behind her. It clicked, and the female turned to face Cambria once more.
“Sure, is everything okay?” She attempted to keep her tone calm and even, not wanting to heighten any stress the Marino girl might be in.



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