Your land, My land, Our land
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©table code and image to jacoby; 1100 words

That was the downfall of those sorts of traps. They had no mercy. Which was why he was getting consultation first. He wasn’t certain to what lengths the Leader would want to go. Would he want to risk it all or would he choose to remain on the more cautious side? Marik had no idea. He had the information to share and that was about it. He could only offer up the idea and see where things would go. And the boy tended to get numerous ideas. They just seemed to randomly pop into his head most of the time. Like if the ground hadn’t been frozen he would have rather gone with pits in which to capture prisoners. But that wasn’t a possibility. So to make up for that his mind had came up with death as an option. Not something that he was particularly interested in himself but he didn’t want it to seem as if he wasn’t trying to help out. Really he was but war just wasn’t his thing. He would do his part on the defense front but fighting really wasn’t his thing. He just didn’t see the point in it. Not when he had nothing against the wolves at all. So long as he wasn’t required to get involved in the actual fighting then he would do what he had to in order to help out the clan that had taken him in just before all hell had broken loose.

He had only been around since the first of the year. Not really long enough to know hardly anyone. But with what they were on the verge of he wasn’t really all that surprised. Everyone was busy getting ready. Trying to prepare for what new thing was ahead of them. Trying to watch over their own and keep them safe. Watching the borders for new possible members as well as those that were out to attack them. They just had to stay on their toes. Had to make sure that their own was protected. That they were on top of what was going on around them. So the time that could have been used to explore and get to know others was spent talking with Cotl and going over traps and other things with him. As well as that pause to make his brother a doll because they had been arguing as well as consulting. So in a sense Marik had been keeping himself too busy to do the normal things of a newcomer.

He nodded his head to say that he understood. It was just a suggestion after all. He had no idea what the are was like in the dead of winter. So the farm was out. It really was no big deal. It was just a thought he had when he had seen the land but clearly it was a no go. And it seemed that someone else had beat him to the whole herb idea. Well at least that already got the go ahead and was in the process of being done. It didn’t really upset him that his contributions turned out not to be contributions at all. He had tried at least. Had put forth some sort of effort. “I’ve met him once. When I first got here.” Not that he had made exactly the best impression at the time. Though it couldn’t be helped now. What was done was done. They had differences and that was that. And it wasn’t like Marik had done anything outrageously bad to keep them from being able to work together. At least should it come down to that. “I don’t really know much about it. If taught then I could help out. I tend to pick up on things fairly quickly and easily.” He just had the idea but didn’t know anything past that. He hadn’t ever worked with plant life before but there was always a first time for everything. He was willing to learn if there was someone around that would be willing to teach.

He glanced back down to the book as it was motioned to. “Ja, it seems fairly simple enough. The drawings are detailed and there are instructions on the way it should be constructed and what the basic use is. All pretty straightforward stuff. I haven’t attempted it before but I believe I can get it built. I’m fairly capable of constructing things from wood. Just name an out of the way place for a trial and error run and I’m certain I can construct a working model. But I’m more worried about where to place them so they aren’t accidentally tripped. And also being able to camouflage them so that the enemy doesn’t spot them right off and avoid them.” He didn’t think that it would be too hard to do. He might need some help moving the larger pieces but that might be about it. “I believe the only hindrance that I will have is moving some of the larger pieces by myself.” After all Marik wasn’t exactly the biggest coyote around. Probably the smallest aside for any pups. But the pups still had a chance to grown and would most likely end up taller than him. But honestly he was fine with his height though he didn’t have the complex to think he could handle all things larger than himself. He was levelheaded on that front at least.

“Which were you interested in? I can see what I can do about getting something up to show you.” After all it depended on what Gabe wanted done as to the amount of help that he might need to get it all up and working in a quick fashion. He figured that if he could construct a working model then the Aquila could decide if he actually wanted to employ them or not. Either way it would still be a learning experience for Marik. He would be trying out something new. Seeing what else he could add to his resume. After all he liked to try his hand at all things. And he was usually proficient enough to perform whatever it was that was needed even if he hadn’t taken the extra effort to master the skill. He just didn’t like to be stuck with only one thing to be good at. He liked to switch up when he got bored with one thing and move on to something else. This mindset sort of made him one of those jack of all trades and master of none. Oh well, that was just fine by him.


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