Magic in december (m)

625 words. WotD: Evince.

####Nothing she had ever told him could give him even the faintest idea of how she would react to finding out that he had been promoted to Constable, but he did not think it was something she would be unhappy about. He was not the type to let power go to his head, and he had a strong, logical mind. That was part of why Jacquez had given him the position, was it not? Either way, he did consider himself to be fairly level-headed, and he knew that this would not be a bad thing for him. “I should probably tell you, Ayita, something else. It completely slipped my mind until now, but Jacquez asked me last months to step up as his Constable. If you know Ruri, she is the new Dauphine. He wanted someone strong and loyal in the leadership ranks, since he’s away often. It will not change anything, other than giving me more responsibilities to the pack,” and to you, he silently added, “but I did want to tell you.” It was hard to keep the pride out of his voice, but he did not want to sound like he was bragging. He was extremely proud that Jacquez thought him a good candidate, and he was planning to do the best that he possibly could for the pack and his new family. He would not let any of them down.

####A smile was what her words brought to his face, the licks and nuzzles beneath his chin only adding to the way her words made him feel. Grinning, he leaned down, bringing his lips to meet hers fervently. All he had wanted to do since the day he had realized his feelings for her was find a way to evince how special and important she was. Vigilante hated knowing that she was feeling down on herself for what had happened to Amaranth, as he did not think it to be her fault. The only way he could think of to help her feel better about everything was to distract her from her worries and fears. What better way than to show her just how amazing she was by consummating their love on their first night of being together officially. He was not completely new to everything intimate, as he had partaken occasionally before coming to this area, but it had never meant anything to him and he had never initiated anything. Being with Ayita, his beautiful and wonderful mate, would be different. He loved her, and he wanted to show her how special she was. If anyone deserved that, it was her, and he was more than happy to be the one to do it for her.

####Shifting his body so that he was facing her, rather than sitting beside her as he had been, the doggish man kissed her more passionately, lifting one hand to cradle the back of her head softly, his thumb brushing over the bottom of her ear tenderly. His eyes opened briefly to study her expression, not wanting to lose the image of her beautiful face when he closed his eyes. Pulling back, he smiled at her, though he did not like putting any distance between them. “We can do whatever it is that you would like to do,” he replied suggestively, the hand that was not behind her head rubbing her thigh absently, or so it seemed as such. He wanted this night to last forever, and he did not want to rush what they were going to do. They had their entire lives ahead of them for this, but this first night was going to be so very special. Everything had to be perfect for his lovely woman; he would not settle for less.


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