Bringing home the goodies
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©table code and image to jacoby; 1601 words

Oh no, those bibles were boring. His had pictures in it. Besides, his religion was a lot more fun than those stuffy old stories anyways. His religion was the best religion ever. At least in his own opinion it was. But hey, that was just him. That was just the way that he saw things. And since his brother wasn’t really into practicing Marik figured that the other male may not really enjoy it. His brother was just too much of a prude for religion. But then again he had told Cotl the same thing over and over again. Told his brother that he was a prude and should get laid more. But he was starting to see why his brother didn’t. There was just no one that was interested around. Even Marik whom had never had such problems before couldn’t even find someone that was interested. It wasn’t a fun deal when you needed it to feel as if you weren’t about to go insane. And that was Marik’s issue. It wasn’t really a matter of wanting it but of needing it. Which was why the religion was perfect for him. Back in Germany he was an avid practitioner. And if he could find willing partners then he would be the same here as well But so far that was all a no go. But maybe after the war? Everyone would have tensions to release then, wouldn’t they?

It hadn’t been faith that had drawn him to follow his brother. Instead he had followed because he didn’t want Cotl to be alone. He had thought that he would be needed. Things hadn’t turned out that way though. Marik was the one that was more out of place than his socially awkward brother was. But that just went to show that everyone had the chance to fit in somewhere. Obviously his place was back in Germany while his brother’s was here in Canada. And now, because of a promise, Marik was stuck in a place that didn’t exactly agree with him. But his brother was here at least. That was the one good thing. And then he had found some really interesting bibles. He would just have to get used to the place. Get used to having to prove himself again. Not a task that he particularly liked but he had to do what he had to do. Still, it was easier when it was only his family that he had to impress. Here he had to make a good impression on everyone since no one knew him.

It wasn’t that he didn’t think that Cotl wouldn’t actually remember. But that they had been fighting again at the time. It had been something that had been said just to soothe him. Something that had been mentioned just to calm Marik. So he didn’t know if his brother had actually been paying attention or if he was just saying what he had to in order to get Marik back under control. He didn’t know if his brother had actually meant to do it or was just mouthing off anything that came to mind. But when what he wanted was named off he couldn’t help but to smile. So Cotl had really meant to do it. The younger boy had to admit that it was something that he had wanted to do for awhile. Something that he had always meant to get. And now he was going to.

He nodded his head in agreement to what his brother was saying. So he wouldn’t find the female and go and convince her. He would just wait for her to come to him. And when she did he would try his best to get her to go through with it. After all it wasn’t that bad. And well, he wouldn’t mind sitting in. Maybe even convincing Cotl to let him help out. If she was anything like what his brother had drawn then he really wouldn’t mind getting his hands on that. Not that he was about to say that out loud. But still his brother should know him well enough to know what he was thinking. Especially since it was the same thought that Marik had about everyone. After all Marik wasn’t about to discriminate. Why should he? Everyone needed loving. Marik was just the hybrid to give it to them. At least that was just how Marik saw things to be.

“So I’m the only one not in the family.” Or that was how it sounded and felt. Everyone had blood ties in the clan except for him. He was just some foreigner that had stumbled in. Didn’t that just go and make acceptance harder? All of the coyotes here were family and Cotl seemed to have been adopted into that bond. That just made Marik and interfering outsider. That wasn’t exactly a pleasant feeling. The boy frowned a bit and looked to the floor. Not only was he friendless but family-less too. Nice, what a great run of luck. He was continuing to stick out more and more. Germany was starting to sound like a better and better idea. If not for that promise…

He had no idea what the blankets were being used for. For all he knew Cotl wanted them to wrap up in so that he would stay warm at night. That seemed like the likeliest thought. He had no idea that they were just to cover the bed for others to lay on. If that was so then he wouldn’t have been so worried about finding some that fit to his brother’s tastes. In that case he would have been happy with whatever he had found first. Instead he had been trying to impress his brother. Trying to show at least him that he wasn’t entirely useless. That he was capable of finding what was wanted. What was asked of him. As well as some other oddities. The explanation of the soup had him staring strangely at the cup still. He still didn’t entirely get it. Why would they want to do something like that? But still… “You have eaten it before?” How else would Cotl know just what it was? How else would Cotl know just how to cook it? It seemed like the only solution that made any sense at all. Just how much had his brother changed since he had last saw him? It was like the other was becoming a brand new being. Marik wasn’t certain that he liked that very much at all.

The bits were accepted back and placed away for safe keeping. He would have to see this Cassius fellow then. And his brother’s half finished sentence had him raising a brow. “You really think that maybe…?” He didn’t really want to get his hopes up but he had been starting to doubt the possibility that anyone would like him here. But maybe he still had a chance yet. Maybe he could impress this friend of his brother. He could certainly use a little bit of an ego boost right about now. “So you don’t mind if I try?” After all his brother had marked Anselm off limits. While he still might try and flirt with said coyote if he saw him again Marik wasn’t going to try and actively pursue anything. But if Cotl was going to start sharing his friends then why not? And well, it wasn’t like Cotl was out and having sex either. If the possibility worked for Cassius then who would say that Cotl wasn’t a bit iffy as well?

He hadn’t looked at the book that he had presented to Cotl before showing it to him. He had only just taken it because of the name on it. He figured it would be like the other one that he had. He didn’t realize that it would be all about two men. He would just have to study it more later, maybe when Cotl was out or sleeping. “The other bible isn’t like this one. It is something that you will like more. I promise.” Though he hadn’t worried about pulling it out. If Cotl wanted to look at it later then Marik would allow it. He wasn’t about to start being stingy with his possessions. He had always shared with his brother. There was no reason to stop such a thing now. After all Cotl was sharing his room and bed with him. Cotl had invited him to stay in his home with him. Had even introduced him to one of his friends and letting him try his luck with another. So there was no need to worry about them not sharing just because they fought every once in awhile. Despite the quarrels they got along grandly. Perhaps better than siblings actually should.

He laid as still as possible as he was being shaved. It wasn’t like it wasn’t something that he wasn’t already used to. Lids slipped shut as he relaxed and trusted his brother to do this right and not mess up. “You should get a butt piercing too Cotl. Then we would match.” Not that he really thought that his brother would agree to it. Still the image was amusing. Even more so when he imagined Cotl to be trying to give it to himself since his brother wasn’t likely to trust him back there. The images playing out in his mind had a smile resting on his lips. It also had him tying not to laugh so that he wouldn’t move around so much and cause Cotl to mess things up.


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