too close for comfort
Firefly was debating how she could take the girl home without causing trouble when Night spoke up. The cold tone to her voice and the words she spoke causing Firefly’s heckles to rise as she pinned her ears back. Anger sparked in her eyes as she wondered where the child had learned to speak that way and why she was speaking to her in such a manner now. Firefly had known that she had been rather upset and self absorbed in her mourning of her friend and the everyday things, but she had never realized that Night had run off and joined Dahlia de Mai. She wouldn’t put it past Haku but she seriously doubted he’d kidnapped her, not after the way she spoke.

Firefly narrowed her eyes as she snapped. ”And you honestly think you do?” She shook her head as she pressed on. ”Why would you even want to live here?” Firefly knew that Dahlia de Mai was not that bad though there were a few rotten eggs, she just wished that Night would get over her little attitude and come back home where she belonged. This was not how Firefly had thought that her day was going to go, and as much as she realized now she’d wronged the child of her friend by ignoring her she couldn’t fix what she’d done in the past, she could only pray that she’d come home and allow her to start making amends now.

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