soft inter moments
She couldn’t help but smile slightly as Amaranth spoke about her tail. She watched as Elroy seemed to accept what was being spoken and only reached up on his hind legs to pat the young puppy on the nose before scampering back to Firefly and sprawling out across her lap. His tail flickered softly as Firefly petted him behind the ears. ”It’s all right, hopefully it won’t be so bad when it’s finished healing.” Her mind was lost in thought when she realized the question that Amaranth presented her with. She really knew she couldn’t promise the girl anything, Haku was one slippery bastard and there was no telling if he’d be able to weasel his way out of this one or not. If she had money to bet she’d wager that he’d find a way somehow, and she didn’t like to admit that.

Her voice was soft when she finally did speak. ”Amaranth, I will do all I can to keep you safe and I believe your mother will as well. You might not be the last child he hurts, but we will try and make certain it’s never you again.” She didn’t know how she was going to explain this to Jacquez, he would probably see it as female’s folly and just roll his eyes and try and get her onto a more interesting topic that involved what rewards she was going to grant him for being such a good king. Perhaps it was best if she didn’t tell him yet she thought before realizing that Amaranth was asking her a question.

When she straightened out her thoughts and realized what Amaranth had said she smiled sweetly and nodded. ”You can come by anytime if your mother allows you to.” Not that Firefly would ever ask if she had her mother’s permission, but if Amaranth thought she would perhaps she would ask. She lifted her hand from Elroy’s neck as he picked himself up and trotted over to Amaranth to give her a noisy goodbye before circling back around Firefly, chatty as ever. Firefly grinned and added. ”And I think he wouldn’t mind either.” She watched as the girl prepared to go, smiling at the comment that Amaranth had left her with. Her voice was gentle as she told her, ”Just be careful Amaranth and hurry home.” She didn’t think that Haku would come into Cour des Miracles lands but she wouldn’t put it past him either. She shivered at the idea and watched the girl silently, hoping that she would be fine.

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