Magic in december (m)

short. :x 365 words.

####Though he had never expected to have a position of such high esteem, he was still surprised by the fact that he took pride in having earned it. That was not to say that he thought Jacquez had given him the position because of anything great that he had done, but Vigilante knew the reasons that the King had given him for the promotion. Even if he had not done anything spectacular for the pack, it seemed that he had demonstrated being a level-headed individual and the physical strength and ability that Jacquez seemed to think would be required with two, so to speak, handicapped leaders. Though he was not one to boast, he was very proud that the King had seen those qualities in him. They were good qualities, and he liked knowing that he was seen in such a light. “Thank you,” he said, before kissing her again, not wishing to discuss it much further. He had wanted to tell her, but he did not want to talk about it. There were much more important things that they could do tonight.

####Her fingers were teasing, just enough to drive him crazy in the heat that was building between them. There were too many emotions now, the rush of feelings for her finally let out from behind the dam he had kept them locked up behind for so long. It had never seemed appropriate to tell her the way he felt, and so he had bottled those feelings up. The way that they poured forth then was amazing, and he was so glad that he had finally found the courage to admit everything to her. Thinking now, it seemed impossible that he could have lived with those feelings locked up tight in the first place; he was astounded that he had for so long. Vigilante kissed her again, his tongue probing at her lips and teeth, pleading for entrance. The hand on her thigh squeezed tightly, and the hand at the back of her head wound its way into her hair, so soft and raven black. He had never seen such contrast between fur and hair before, but she looked truly amazing in it.


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