My head gets so confused
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Naaaah! 300+

Anu had always been there for her, ever since she could remember, and she was always thankful for that. There weren't many things that she didn't feel comfortable talking with her parents about, but this was one of them and in this situation she was glad to have someone like Anu as a sounding board. Cambria knew it wasn't healthy for her to keep this all bottled up inside but she had been too afraid to talk to anyone about what had happened and what the implications for her lifestyle were. She had never seen any couple that wasn't made up of a male and a female. The idea that she was attracted to other females was somewhat frightening, fearing that it was not accepted and looked down upon. She still wasn't sure if what she saw between Anu and the other woman was true, but at least she had this opportunity to find out if she was the only one that had these feelings.

"I found him a few months ago, his wing was broken. I've been taking care of him since then. He's finally healed, but he can't fly for very long yet. I named him Enzo." The girl didn't like referring to anything as an "it" and so she had named the mourning dove just as she had named Leafy. If you cared for something you gave them a name. It only seemed proper to her. Her parents had given her and her siblings names. Cambria knew that this was nothing like the bond that existed between parents and children, but still it would be rude to not give her various charges a name. It felt much more natural to refer to them in such a way.

The girl could see the concern turn the Lt. General's features and she hated to make someone worry. Still, she herself was worried and so she could not do anything to abate the older woman's concerns. As Anu closed the door she moved to go sit on her bed and then looked back up to the tawny female, a silent invitation for her to join her on the mattress. Hands folded in her lap, but her fingers continued to fumble nervously. "I...I don't know..." she said lamely, her gaze turning to her own hands. A few moments of silence passed before she spoke up again. "Anu, are you and that other lady...are you a couple?" Cambi hoped that she wasn't prying into the other's life, but she had to ask that question first before she spoke from her heart.


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