let's just stop, drop everything
Ooooo! Lexington is very pretty! :o And I have to tell you your reply was fantabulous <3 484

She knew that it must have been hard to keep his plans a secret. It was always hard to keep things to yourself when you were so excited to give or show them to the person you wanted to surprise. When she had found that Shakespeare book in the city for him it was a good thing that she had given it to him right when she arrived home because she wouldn't have been able to keep it a secret any longer. Making him happy was one of her primary joys in life and she knew that the same could be said of him, so she was impressed with the self control he had exercised in this situation. Kansas didn't think himself to be a strong individual, and yet over and over he proved the exact opposite to her. Perhaps not a physical strength, but a mental and emotional strength and those, to her, were to be much more highly valued and praised.

Even Savina couldn't say what she might have expected to see when she got here, but it certainly wasn't the stunning sight that her eyes drank in so eagerly. The beast was huge and so magnificent in his gray and black body and long mane. It seemed like something that had ridden out of the very mists of legend. And there, sitting on top in stark contrast was her mate. Now, whenever she called him her White Knight this would be the picture that flashed before her eyes. She could almost see the bright armor adorning his body, her imagination taking the sight to new heights. Now she was just as glad that he had kept this all secret. It would not have been nearly as amazing if she had had any hints of knowledge to try and figure it out.

A large, wondrous smile was plastered on her features and she knew that nothing would be making it go away anytime soon. Her love dismounted his steed so gracefully and approached her. Savina was glad that neither of them felt the need to spoil the magic of the moment with words. This was a thing to simply be felt and appreciated. As she felt his arms around her she melted into him, her own arms draping around his neck. She beamed up at him and the kiss made little fireworks explode inside her. There was no moment more perfect than this. As Kansas suddenly swept her up she couldn't help but laugh merrily herself. Then, just as quickly, she was astride the large horse. It was a little disorienting, but she was far too excited to care. "There is nothing for you to apologize for, my love." He hopped back up in front of her and her arms encircled his torso, holding herself close. "I'd follow you anywhere, handsome Signore." She couldn't wait to go on this adventure with him.


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