if everything was everything


She replied in a low murmur, testifying that she was fine—Snake had trouble believing that, but he didn't show any indication. He knew that wounds along the back were usually killers, for one used the muscles in the back for things like standing or reaching or... anything, basically. It had been similar to the wound that now rested as a scar across his ribs; he had to lay literally still for weeks before he was able to move without opening the wound and beginning to bleed out again. That had been an ordeal—if anyone knew what he had gone through, no one would question how tolerant to pain it was. Which was why he was doing decently well, plus the fact that the wound was on his shoulder. It was an area that was used often, but not as much as the back or torso. He mainly just used his other arm nowadays—it was not difficult. With training, Snake had become practically ambidextrous.

As for how he was doing, he replied as truthfully as he could, Well enough, yes. I manage to keep going on. He still patrolled in the morning and at night, though he probably shouldn't. He should know better, but he was still worried. He would be there when things happened, wound on his shoulder or not. He was sure that he could fight with it if he needed to—lock away the pain in the Pandora's box that housed all the rest of his emotions and not let it out until he was certain he was safe.

She accepted the toy from him, looking at it with curiosity in her eyes. She seemed a little detached, but eventually it must have dawned on her that it was hers now. She gave it a small embrace, thanking him. He shifted his weight in a small nervous gesture, mumbling, Don't mention it. She said that she liked it, and he gave a nod, a ghost of a smile appearing on his features. He might not be often graced by any type of joy, but there was a creeping sense of satisfaction that appeared in giving her a bit of kindness. He believed that she deserved it, perhaps more than others. They had both been through a lot in the past; he could feel it. Types like them bound together.

He shrugged when she said that she had nothing for him. I don't really need... things. It is enough to know that you are pleased with it. He hadn't really considered Kaena refusing that she could keep it—what harm would it do? he reasoned. He was sure if she found some kind of point of contention with it, he would mention that it was merely a get-well gift from one to another, and from her Hydra at that. Regardless, he doubted that would come up anyway.


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