if everything was everything


He glanced down, as if embarrassed that she liked it so much, though in truth it was more just him being earnest. Snake had largely been raised against such signs of compassion—signs of weakness, as he had learned them. He usually felt strange when he did a kind act like this, but then something warm flickered to life within him. It usually only lasted a second or so, and while it was alien it was not really unpleasant like other emotions that slipped out of his internal Pandora's box sometimes. Which was the reason why he had kept doing them—if compassion was just as bad as those other horrid emotions, he would have become even more reclusive and stoic as ever.

Sure, he responded, though he didn't move an inch from where he stood. He merely sank to the floor, minding his shoulder as he rested with his back against the wall of the cave. He would refuse to go any further in, though he would do so politely. Regardless, he sat only to be polite. Usually people got a little nervous when they stood in their home. It was almost disrespectful to their hospitality or something like that.

He didn't really know what else to say, so he looked to the outside and mentioned something that had been rolling around in his head before he had arrived. Once we are well, and if you have Kaena's permission, would you like me to teach you how to defend yourself a little better? He looked her in the eye toward the end of this statement. Her steel in the decision would decide whether or not it was even worth pursuing.


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