Missive to the Populace

Oh god sorry for the delay! D: 442 words

Jedidiah had been accepted to Inferni. He had come all this way and now he was a part of something big. A war. Much as Gabriel didn't want to call it a holy war, this was what the coyote considered it to be. He was part of something which God had intended for him and he would never falter in his resolve or his faith. Prayer would not keep the clan safe, nor would it make them stronger. But it meant that Jedidiah had something to believe in, something worth working towards, a future he could be a part of. His small family had been content with a stable life, but his parents had felt that their calling was for something greater. So they had left and now here he was. He knew, deep in his heart, that he might never see his family again. But if he died in the service of the Lord, than the glory of the Heavens would be his.

It was with such thoughts in mind that Jedidiah slipped out of Inferni territory and walked towards the city. He had heard enough to be able to follow his nose and the strength of sea air. He knew that the smell of Inferni had not quite yet permeated into his fur, so he could, perhaps, lie, if anyone malicious asked him. Still, he would fight and he certainly would not allow himself to be caught. He knew he was much smaller than the northern brothers, but Jedidiah was also light on his feet. He could sprint and scurry and generally save himself. So he slowly made his way to Halifax, looking for a bag. A satchel which would become his, to contain his medical supplies. He had promised Kaena and Gabriel that he would become the clan's medic and he would hold himself to that word.

The city was cold, almost barren. The young coyote was lucky enough to stumble upon a shop with army supplies. He cautiously went in and was soon rewarded for his trek: a green bag in the storage room, perfect for field medical use. He opened it with his muzzle, sniffing it slowly. It was in good condition, so he slowly dragged it out and took the strap between his teeth. It wasn't heavy at all and he seemed the right height to carry it like that back to Inferni. Deciding to take a different route and explore the city, he soon set eyes upon the stranger. He seemed to be sitting there, perfectly innocent. Still, Jedidiah approached with caution. Right now, he felt exposed and somewhat afraid. The Lord would keep him safe.


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