two out of three ain't bad

©table code and image to Alli; 539 words

How did he feel about the war? Well, it didn’t particularly interest him. He wasn’t into the whole fighting thing. He preferred all of his marks to continue to come from matters of lovings. He was marked up but not from fighting or training. All of his came from other physical connotations. Besides, he didn’t have anything against the wolves. He had no problems with anyone. So why should he take part in something that he didn’t believe in? He had set up some traps near the border and did his part in helping out at least. But the actual fighting. He would just have to be out of that. Beside, given how short he was what use would he be? He was a foot or two below everyone, even his brother having an inch on him, so he would most likely just be underfoot and in the way. So it was just best that he not take part in that aspect of things. Or that was how he saw it at least. He was offering his help where he could give and that should be enough. Or so he thought. Because then again the Aquila could always see it differently. And what was he to say then? Well he hadn’t figured that much of it out yet.

So instead of concentrating on the aspects of the war he traveled into the city instead. He figured that he could always stock up on some sort of supplies or something. He didn’t know what exactly but it would get him away from the craziness. It would give him an excuse to be away at least. Especially if he brought something useful back with him. He would just have to figure out what that something useful was before he got back to the clan. But for now he wasn’t going to worry about that either. Right now he was just going to enjoy his time away from all things war related. It had just been bad timing that he had gotten roped into all of this. He hadn’t known that at the time he had shown up they were right on the brink of this. How could he have known? All he had intended on doing was to follow his brother and reacquaint himself with his slightly older sibling. That was it really. But now he was stuck in a war that had nothing to do with him just because the clan he had been accepted into had declared it. Really wasn’t fair.

He walked through the city, looking for something to entertain himself with. And it was this search that led him to the scent marked house. How curious was that? And with that curiosity leading him he entered the human built domain. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen one since he was living in the mansion with his brother. It was one being purposefully claimed in a land that he had learned was neutral territory. “Anyone home?” He called out the words as he entered the house. There was a fresh scent through the place but that didn’t mean someone hadn’t come in, looted, and then left. Actually he was on the verge of considering that option for himself.


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