Is it Love or Lies
The male's hands never moved higher then the middle of her thigh, he wanted to be close with her but not wanting to press him-self onto her. The male took a free arm wrapping it around her, just holding her as he kissed her and loved upon her. He wanted to never let go of her, he wanted this never to end. The male could smell the food, he pulled away with a kiss and went over and poked the food around, trying to get it all to cook evenally. The male put the vegetable into the pan, and then some water, the oil off the fish was a great flavor to add to all the meat.

The male stood over the pan for a bit, till it was cook, pulling the meal off the fire, he gulped as he pulled a chuck of fish off, blowing on it till it was cool the male walked over to his mate, as he placed his paw upon her face, as he fed her the fish, he sat back and waited for a short bit before he took her blindfold off. "I hope this makes you happy, I love you so much Deuce."

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