Fall Away

indent He knew that he should be wandering back to Storm around this time, for he was still considered a youngster and he knew it would make his father feel reassured. His pneumonia had relapsed and so Pilot had been temporarily handed the leadership position of Storm. It didn’t seem much different, Icarus had discovered, but it did mean that his father once again was spending less time with his family. Really, though, he couldn’t help it. But Icarus couldn’t help but feel as if he was slipping away from his only parental figure. But then again, maybe that was just part of growing up.

indent He found himself becoming more and more comfortable in his optime form, wearing the snug jeans that he had discovered in the city. They were ripped in the knee and thigh, but it was the closest thing he could find that was near his size and still intact. He would probably grow out of them as he got older, considering they hugged his hips already, but he still cherished them at the moment. To him, it was the first indication that he was growing older.

indent He trailed along a stand of trees, knowing that the springs were not too far off. He wondered how much was still frozen, since spring would be coming any time now. He had the notion in his mind to investigate, until something more interesting perked his interest.

indent It was a call, a whine for something Icarus couldn’t quite make out. Either way, the voice sounded distressed, and so Icarus beginning jogging in the direction he assumed it came from. His discovered his intuition was right, when he quickly laid eyes on the wet and struggling form of Nox. "Heyy, are you okay?" He called, though he already knew the answer. He took a few steps on the ice, as thoughts of meeting Legacy rushed to him, before he hesitated and wondered… would the ice hold his weight? "Can you pull yourself out", he asked, trying to decide if he would need to risk the ice by getting closer to her.


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