when darkness turns to light

indent As he paused, the water splashed lazily around his waist. The light breeze chilled his wet and exposed body down to the bone, but somehow, Icarus hadn’t really begun to notice. Either way, he began taking steps forward, using his arms at his sides to help keep his balance as his clawed feet slipped along the rocky bottom. His eyes, flashing from the fox to the water in front of him, reflected the intrigue he found by the fox’s form. He had seen his kind before, but never really had conversed with one.

indent "I think it's probably too cold for anyone", he replied, as the water had receded down to just below his shins. When he reached the shore, he shook himself a bit, though it wasn’t as effective fully shifted as it was on four legs. "It’s not really swimming season", Icarus pointed out, as he made his way to the jeans on the rocks and the unfamiliar face.


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