wrong words seem to rhyme

indent Icarus held his breath for a moment, as if breathing would be the trigger which would unleash the ghostly apparitions he assumed haunted this house. As his eyes tried to adjust to the minimal light, Icarus took a few more steps forward. He could make out the vague shapes of things, but still wasn’t exactly sure what everything was. After all, it was his first time in on of these human buildings.

indent "I can barely see anything", Icarus informed the other, searching for some advice, but unaware that the hybrid’s mind was turned elsewhere. He breathed slow and quiet, blue eyes searching for something of interest. It was hard to tell what things were, so Icarus boldly took a few steps toward something. Upon coming closer, he realized it was a chair, yet the boy still didn’t know what it was. He cast a glance over his shoulder, calling, "Hey I found something weir" -, but he cut his words a bit short when the golden flicker in the other’s eye made Icarus feel as if there was something malevolent inside this building.


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