it's hardest hue to hold
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ooc: sorry this took so long! also, sorry for the pp :| let me know if i need to change it.

The sun seemed not as high as it had where-upon she'd first met the 'yote boy.

Alaine pondered this now, and made a valiant attempt to ignore the little beads of water that trickled down into her pinky nose, made her sneeze and sniff. Occasionally, a small droplet would race down the line of her back, chased by a prickling of skin as the sensation made the girl girl wriggle uncomfortably. Thankfully the weather was rather mild, the air not yet cool enough to send those chills right down to her bones.

And so it was, as the sun drifted lazy golden rays to light the tawny, scraggly grass, the young collie girl wondered if she'd ever see that same hue light with fire, as she had in the eyes of Gabriel.

He'd told her to wait here, and so she was. But what if he was hurt? What if she'd just deserted him and the pirates - Lordy the pirates! All sorts of maniacal and fabricated horrors raced through the dainty pup's mind, and her shiver had nothing to do with being soaked to the skin. Weak, cowardly, useless little... She'd left him there, that's what she'd done. Deserted her leader, and he was probably right now being made to walk the plank into some shark-infested waters for the amusement and revenge of that great grey brute and his demon's tongue. Her floppy mocha ears drooped dejectedly towards the earth, the collie girl sank from her sitting position to a sphinx-stretch, emerald eyes still wide on the path that trailed back towards the ocean, back towards the perils and adventures.

Though perhaps time was short, it seemed impossibly long till she heard the paws on the path, and looked up to see the approaching boy.

" GABE!"

In his maw dangled their treasure, but her eyes were only for the way his sides heaved, for the search of fatal wounds and the reassurance of the life that was. Bounding to her feet (and inevitably casting a rainbow of droplets about her creamy form), the whelp scrambled forwards to tackle her exhausted companion to the dry earth. Pendant and caution forgotten in her excitement at seeing him whole, Alaine pinned the bone-tired boy beneath her meager weight and proceeded to gift him with another quick lick straight to the nose. Then, struck by the thoughts that had been spiraling through her head mere moments before, erect ears flopped back down and dripping tail sunk between hind legs. She hastily backed off of the boy, emerald eyes dropped to paws that scuffed absently in the dirt.

" Thank you for saving me..." The sweet mutter was barely audible as a descent of shame took over her buoyancy and brightness, " And I'm sorry I left you behind."

Speak think walk!


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