My head gets so confused
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Cambria wasn't looking for an explanation of Anu's relationship or even really why she was with another female. What she was looking for was any kind of confirmation that the feelings that she had were not unnatural as she feared they might be. She had never seen two females together, or two males, the only romantic relationships that she had been exposed to up to this point had been between males and females and having no other experiences to draw on she could not find the answers she wanted for herself. When she had remembered seeing Anu with the other woman though, it had given her hope. The tawny wolf wasn't an outcast, she was one of the leaders of the pack and her mother's best friend. If it were okay for her to have those feelings for other women then hopefully it would be okay for her as well. If her parents and pack accepted Anu and her preferences then she wouldn't be so afraid to tell her family about the direction her attractions swayed. That was what she was looking for. She needed to know that she wouldn't be shunned for the way she felt. Chances were she would still keep such information mostly to herself, but knowing it was okay would settle the argument that raged within the young wolf.

As the more experienced femme spoke once again the relief she had been hoping for washed over her and her shoulders eased in their tension. Oceanic gaze finally rose back to look at Anu, almost as if to make sure that what her ears had heard hadn't been some sort of illusion. The Lt. General was serious in her words though, to her at least, there was nothing wrong with two females wanting to be together. Not even two males, which was another relationship that the girl hadn't considered. It made sense though. If she, as a girl, could like other girls then boys could like other boys. Relieved as Cambi was to hear this, the searching blue eyes once again made her nervous. Now was the time to confess her secret and even with this reassurance the words did not come easy and her voice seemed to stick in her throat. Her mouth opened to speak unsuccessfully several times before her eyes fell back to her lap and her fidgeting fingers. Then finally, very softly, her voice came forth. "I...I think that...that I like other girls...too..." The Marino's gaze stayed downcast, even now worrying if Anu would react to the news in some unfavorable manner.


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