it's all bittersweet

Sorry for the wait guys, and I guess Jac can join in whenever? 500+

Haven was surprised that Firefly wanted Jac to be there, even more than that, that she needed him to be here. He had seen the unkind glances thrown between the two at the meeting and had known that something sour had happened between them, but he had been too wise to inquire what it was. Still, at the moment he was in no position to deny any request that she might have. Anything he could do for her, he would. Still, though, he was frozen in place by her side and he couldn't find the will to get up and leave her, even for a second. A war was briefly fought inside him as Firefly combated with her pain and injuries and finally he rose his voice again in a call for their King without moving from his current position. Hopefully Jacquez would hear the howl, even if it was coming from the depths of the stables. The Knight simply couldn't leave her side though. If he took his eyes off of her for a moment something would go horrible wrong, he was convinced of this.

Firefly looked to him again as her voice rasped out and a shock shot through him. It was not only the news that Jac was the father of Firefly's litter, but the realization of what was happening too soon. It felt as if ice water had just been splashed on his back and at the same time the fire of his rage flared up again against the two that had done this to her. Even if the woman hadn't actively participated in the assault she was just as much to blame as the male by standing there and watching it happen. Up until this moment he had only been concerned with her well being, but he now realized that her pups were in the most danger. Those lives that had barely had a chance to form inside of her at all. Jade eyes shot around, searching fervently for the appearance of the healer. Where was she dammit! Hadn't she been able to tell from his call that this was an emergency of the gravest kind?

The male looked worriedly back down to Firefly and then a bark hit his ears and immediately he looked up again. There she was, thank god. Haven watched breathlessly as she came over to Firefly and looked her over, his body rigid with the tension of the situation. The hybrid woman spoke calmly yet strongly to Firefly. Haven wished that he could give all the answers, but he only knew the last two that the healer wanted. Before he found his voice though he was addressed next with a task to perform and without hestitation he nodded his head and ran to where the horse blankets were kept. He grabbed the nearest one and folded it up to make a makeshift pillow. Carefully he lifted her head up and placed the blanket underneath. His head hovered over her own and he extended his hand for her to hold if she wanted to. "Firefly, focus on my voice, okay? Focus on my face. I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere. Just hold on and stay awake. We're going to help you, and Jac will be here soon. I promise he will." If the King didn't show up soon the Knight would give him a severe tongue lashing for more than just his absence.


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