You know I'd do anything for you


lost into the weight of gravity

...Fate. Yes, fate had played its hand several times, drawing them together just when they needed each other the most. It had not occurred to the younger wolf that they might have met under different circumstances, if fate had unfolded alternately. What mattered was the string of events that had finally gotten them in the same home together, alive and relishing in each other's very existence. They had both suffered during the journey, but at least for Colibri, it had been worth it to find true love.

"True..." Coli breathed, unable to look away from the clear blue gaze. "It's not a home if your heart is elsewhere." She swallowed the lump in her throat, finally feeling as though she had done the right thing in coming here. It had seemed so selfish at first, but not only had she paid the price for deserting, she was also here for Anu's sake as much as her own. If they could hold onto this peace, this idyllic coexistence... Neither of them would ever leave for as long as they lived.

A kiss... Colibri leaned in instinctively, eyes fluttering shut to hide her surprise and delight. No, a ghost could not do this, and the tremulous rapture that flooded her system immediately made her vow to live forever so that she could always have this. Anu's palm felt so warm against her cheek, or was that the flush rising beneath her own fur? Her arms moved to encircle her love's slender back, her fingers interlacing through the soft sandstone fur. She had never been touched like this before, not with such caring and passionate promise. This was a whole new experience, something that had tantalized her before with the brief touches she and Anu had exchanged, and now there was nothing to stop them from going further. No regrets, no logistics, no shame. She did not want the kiss to end...

Her timidity was brushed aside by her need for contact, and a small whine caught in her throat as she moved closer beneath the blankets, sliding her legs along the curve of Anu's legs. In the past, she had daydreamed many times of this moment - sometimes she would boldly take the lead, or other times passively melt into her lover's arms, she could never decide which she wanted more. Now she was realizing she simply didn't know what to do next, so terribly inexperienced she happened to be. She knew sex, but nothing of making love - or even if Anu wanted anything of that sort! A kiss could just be a kiss, after all. She might be pressing her luck, considering that they had only begun to speak heart to heart again... although deep down, it would disappoint her to be turned away now, when she had been waiting her whole life.


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