the place where the sidewalk ends
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     Haven had figured that since she had spoke to him and hadn't immediately taken off at the sight of him that she wasn't in any way afraid of him. That was good, because he would have felt horrible if the cute little girl had been frightened by him. He knew it was good for pups to be cautious of strangers, but still, noo one had any reason to fear him unless they were trying to hurt someone else. When he wasn't protecting something or someone then he was gentle and kind and that was what he wanted to convey to the small wolf. "Okay, but if they do get mad, just tell them it was my fault, okay?" he said to her, smiling. If anyone were to get in trouble it should be him, Rio had done nothing wrong. His paws paused for a moment as she hopped back a little, but then it appeared it was just her way of inviting him in and so he followed after her.

     It was clear from her nonverbal reaction that she did not share his feelings on the cold and the snow. Internally he scolded himself but thankfully it didn't seem as if he had hurt her feelings in any way. "I don't mind the snow, really, I'm just not a fan of the cold. I like it better when it's warmer." It was the truth, the snow was pretty, but it was inextricably linked to the cold temperatures and that was something that he did not like. Hopefully Rio would understand, but she seemed like a smart pup. He didn't know what the "fairies" were, but he had had a wild imagination at her age too and he indulged her fantasy. "Oh yes, the fairies. I bet you have fun playing with them." His jade eyes beamed down at the dark little girl. "Not, I'm not out playing. Just looking around. I live off back that way," he said motioning his head off to the west. "Thought I'd come check things out around here." Haven was careful to avoid mentioning his mother just in case Rio knew her and would call for her to come.


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