Your land, My land, Our land
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©table code and image to jacoby; 500 words

Marik’s lack in height was certainly a handicap. Unlike his brother he didn’t have the horse to make him taller. Nor did he have the weapons either. All he had was himself. And really that wasn’t much at all when compared to what he was up against. Also, it was against his religion. His religion was all about making love, in quite the literal fashion. His religion spoke nothing of death or killing. Along with that he didn’t have a problem with anyone. He had just come along at the wrong time. He was only sticking around because of a promise to his brother. So war really wasn’t his thing. He wasn’t a fighter. He would do his part and help with the traps and such since his brother had volunteered him for that already. It was the least he could do. And if he was to be sent away then he guessed so be it. He would just have to break the news to Cotl and have to hear his brother’s protests. But what was he supposed to do if he was told to get out by the leader? Cotl would just have to deal with it and Marik would have to find somewhere else to go.

Yes, they had met but they hadn’t exactly parted on good terms. But then again they weren’t on bad terms either. Rather Anselm had fled quickly and Marik hadn’t seen the coyote again after that brief meeting. Well, aside from at the pack meeting as it were. But even then they remained on opposite sides and had no contact at all. But he had at least met the other before and knew what he looked like. Then again he could talk to Cotl and find out where the other stayed. But he wasn’t certain about actually approaching the other. Still it would seem that he would have to in order to talk about the placement of traps since the leader had just delegated all responsibility to Anselm. This wasn’t going to be a fun time at all. But then again talks of war and the preparations for such never were fun.

“I will try to get a working model constructed within a week. You want me to go to Anselm about it once it is done?” It seemed that is what the Aquila was saying but he wanted to make sure. After all he didn’t want to bypass the leader if he didn’t have any intention on it being that way. After all he had first approached Gabriel about this and he didn’t want to leave the other coyote out of the loop if that wasn’t what he had planned. He really didn’t want to try to upset the other. Didn’t want to upset what he had here. Though he still didn’t feel like he especially belonged he was reunited with his brother at least. He did not want to be forced to break the promise he had made to his brother.


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