My head gets so confused

Curiosity brought on many questions. Anu was plagued with a persistent curiosity, the sort that kills felines and makes her wander about many things that she would be better off keep her nose out of. She could understand that the Marino child was interested in knowing that her relationship was just as normal as any other. She and Coli had their up and downs, their moments of unease as well as their moments of joy. How they had come to know each other was a tale for the story books, and how they finally come to be together was only sort of epic. But, the simple fact that they were two females could bring question to anyone unknowing, but her curiosity would not rest there, and as Anu listened to the hesitant and unsure words that the younger female spoke she could only wonder more.

Anu hid any surprise. Though she was not expecting this, she had thought it. A small voice in the back of her mind had said that the sight of her and Colibri was not the only thing bringing this question forward. But Anu had not assumed that Cambria was feeling similar feelings towards her own gender. The woman kept her gaze soft, knowing the confusion and knowing how jumbled inside the youth must be feeling. Where she might be shocked, confused herself Anu was proud. It was an odd feeling, for her first instance of surprise was wash away with knowing. The Lt. General had been in her place, she had known that she was different when she met her first mate, and had not know what to do with the knew realization.

The Dreamer placed her light hued hand on that of the younger fey.
“Its okay.” She assured Cambria, knowing that it would be. Her voice was soft, and filled with parental understanding,
“Why do you think you feel this way?” There was nothing critical in the question. Cambi was unsure, she didn’t know if she liked females in the same way Anu did. It was okay to question how she felt, for such a change from what she thought was normal and what Cambria might have expected for herself was more confusing then the mere idea of two woman together. Anu only hoped to bring the feelings forward, untwist the confusion or the insecurity that the brown female was holding inside.



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