You know I'd do anything for you

WC: 391 // loved yours too!! <333 you know, Coli is going to be jealous of Gabriel...

lost into the weight of gravity

There was a tremulous excitement building in her, a thawing she had not known was possible. She had dreamed of romance all her young life, of a handsome prince swooping in and calling her a princess, whisking her into a fairy tale. As her life unfolded, her expectations dropped lower and lower, her hope pummeled into a depression she could not free herself from. It had taken a bottle of wine and a reckless whim to rebel to mete out even a scratch through that fortress she had built around herself.

But that scratch formed a crack, and that crack spread, and her defenses began to crumble. Her handsome prince was a woman. It didn't matter. It was an infatuation, then a crush, then a first love. And against all odds, this woman saw through her problems, saw through to an innocence that Colibri didn't even know she possessed. How she had ever gotten so lucky, to find the right one for her the first time she kissed someone... she might never know. But she would never again doubt that good things come to those who wait.

The sensation was so thrilling and new, and yet it felt so natural to be entwined together, as though they had always existed as one entity rather than two separate beings. The paradox made perfect sense in her frazzled mind, her thoughts completely chased aside as Anu gently broke the kiss, drowning her in that crystal-clear gaze. She could stare into those eyes for a lifetime and never reach the end of the depths, never fathom what it was she saw that made her heart skip a beat the way it always did.

Coli couldn't hide the tremor in her leg, the shiver that Anu's lips incited against her neck. Her jaws parted, her breathing quickened into panting. This was incredible. A vague whisper in the back of her mind reminded her that she had hands, too, and she could be using them rather than laying limp in rapturous joy. She slid her palms along the sensual curve of Anu's hips, marveling at how soft her fur was, how perfect in every way this woman was. A little wordless plea escaped her lips as Anu's touch wandered lower, her fluttering pulse leaving her dizzy and breathless. It was overwhelming, in the best possible way.


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