Ordinary Riches
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... aviban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Erin = slowbutt 500+

     Savina had not been exposed to same sex relationships before she had come to these lands. Such a thing would have been highly improper back in Monti Sabini, just as so many things there were. Still, such a thing had not come as a great shock to her as it might to some. The Italian fey was a creature of love and she did not judge how others expressed themselves in those ventures. Anu had provided love and support to a woman who had been greatly wronged and at that time had been her closest friend. She had helped raise the pups, being just as much of a mother to them as their own biological one had been. Things hadn't worked out in the end, but she had not taken that as any sort of indication that it hadn't worked out because they were both women. Many reltionships did not last, it had nothing to do with the combination of physical sexes in them. Savina understood that it could be easier to entrust your heart to another woman rather than a man, she had just been lucky to find such a wonderful male as Kansas. He was her treasure and she cherished him with all her heart, just as she was certain that Anu must cherish her new found love. If anyone had ever ridiculed Anu for her choice of lover in front of the sable fey, Savina would have been quick to defend her friend and deride the attacker for being so ignorant and close minded. The tawny wolf was one of the best that she knew and the decisions she made were from the heart. That was one of the many ways in which the two were similar.

     It didn't surprise the Commander to hear that Colibri was of the shy sort. It could only be expected with such a horrid and cruel father as she had had. Savina was confident in her ability to make her feel comfortable in her presence though. Her own daughter was quite shy and she had grown accustomed to handling others with delicate mentalities. "I will do all I can to make her feel safe and welcomed here." It could take some time, especially with the thread of Haku looming over them, but hopefully soon the other would find herself safe within these borders. As her second hand, she too was feeling the weight of their conversation weighing upon her strength and will to stay awake. Right now the comfort of her bed and mate sounded like the best remedy to this evening's talk. Her head nodded at Anu's pronouncement and smiled once again tiredly up at her friend. Savina's hands rose up from the table and stretched out in front of her as she walked over to where Anu stood, quickly embracing her. She had no words to say in response to the thanks, only the reassurance that she would always be there for the other. Stepping back she moved towards the door of the library. "Let's both get some much needed rest."


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