My head gets so confused
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After the words left her lips she almost wished that she could reel them back in and forget that they had ever been said. There was no taking it back though, it was out now and there was nothing she could do to bring her secret back so that she was the only one who knew it. It did feel good, to get it out in the open though. To know that it wasn't a burden that she carried solely on her own. Still, her feelings of hesitance and nervousness reined for now and the relief she felt as minuscule compared to that. The silence that followed her admission was torture and seemed to stretch on for days. The girl couldn't bare to make her gaze rise to meet the older woman's, too afraid of what she might see there. She actually clamped her orbs shut, wanting to block out the world and all the confusion that surrounded her and permeated her very being. Already the adolescent was going through so many changes and this only seemed to be making things more difficult.

If she hadn't remembered Anu was there the light touch would have made her jump, but instead it filled her with a sense of warmth that was amplified with the words, it's okay. It was okay? It truly was? Slowly her eyes reopened and looked sheepishly back up at Anu, searching for the truth that she so desperately needed. There was no deception in that kind face though, and there never had been. Cambria didn't think there ever would be. The warmth was quickly turned up past the point of simple reassurance though when the question she knew had been coming was given voice. Cheeks burned red underneath her dark fur and her gaze averted again. She didn't know if she really wanted to talk about it, but Anu couldn't help her if she didn't know what was going on. So with a deep breath the young girl tried to think of the best (and least embarrassing) way to relay her experience.

"I went to the city, to find some books on herbs, and when I was in the library this scary man showed up. He was mean, and very frightening, and when I got the chance I ran away as fast as I could. I was so scared and I was crying and wasn't really thinking about where I was going. I ran into a building and bumped into a girl. I thought she would be mad at me for running into her, but she was really nice and just wanted to comfort me and make me feel better." If possible, her face got even hotter. "Well, she did make me feel better. I...don't know what it's called, what she did. But she touched some places. It felt good, and I liked it." Cambria swallowed nervously, hoping that was as much detail as she needed to give. "I know if it had been a boy, it would have been different, and I don't think I would've liked it like I did. I feel more comfortable around girls than I do boys, most of the time."


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