Press my face to the ground
Baby I've been here before

*whimper* I'm sorry, luffs!

I know this room, I've walked this floor

Hanna frowned as her niece moved off, not because she thought it wrong to feed Dierdre, but because she couldn't recall if she knew Naniko. To her knowledge, the two of them had never met, though perhaps that would change in the near future, especially if there was a chance Hanna would work alongside her at some point as an apprentice or helper Apothecary. Trailing behind the two ivory wolfesses, Hanna heard mention of the alpha of Storm, and other small talk issues. But something in the female's bearing triggered a motherly response, even though Hanna herself had never borne puppies. "Dearie, can I make you some tea? It might make you feel better. No offense, but you look positively awful. My den isn't far from here; we could request Naniko to there while I brew us all a cup."

Hanna smiled happily at her idea, and followed along just as she'd been, patient as the day was long.


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