switch blade caresses and a brass knuckle kiss.

Same here! You have the most difficult task here though; Halo is just standing watching and listening! 300+

In Character

With her hybrid blood refusing her to own the desired form, the girl would still carry more agility than the average wolf. She would lose a race with a full blooded, long limbed coyote, but the smaller canines were her allies and not her enemies. Ears flattened in instant defiance at her uncle’s first words. Of course there was shame in running to live and flee with her tail between her legs. It would have happened if Samael had not been so swift moving after her back when everything bad had happened. She should have turned and fought back then, it wouldn’t have mattered if she had been sliced into pieces or not. Her humiliation lied mostly in the horrible fact that she had been unable to fight against him. Her Lykoi uncle knew this and Halo knew this. Intolerable. She already knew she was foolish, but she was a warrior of Inferni, and if it was her time to die in battle then she would not flee.

”There is shame,” the girl’s low voice mumbled, though it was not her wish to argument with an older and definitely wiser member. She knew nothing, but this was nevertheless her belief. She had done just that; tried to flee, and she was left with only shame, despair and regret. As he continued with the introduction her ruby eyes stayed obediently on him and he had the girl’s full attention. Size was something she would lack when dealing with fully grown wolves. Not even her hybrid size would manage to compete, especially not her bi-pedal form where she was just like every other coyote with a general size. Suddenly Anselm moved and she almost moved her knee to kick him in the face in instant horror, but managed to control herself, for he was not Samael, but a sane ally teaching her ways to prolong her life. Sharp nails scratched lightly against the tendon on the back of her knee and she smiled, knowing well that she would immediately gain a better hand by slicing that delicate spot.

Her smile stayed long enough for the male to see as he released his grip and continued. So that was the way of the coyote. Lash and withdraw. She quite liked that idea. She thought that she maybe preferred to go step by step to bring an opponent down. She had a certain appreciation for inflicting pain on those that needed to be punished. Although she had seen more of life’s cruel sides, she had some remaining dreams still of how things would be. ”Swiftness and tactic are the keys then,” she mumbled lowly and flexed her fingers and imagining slicing tendons.

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