Peace, calm, tranquility

300+ words. WotD: Quietus (something to suppress or quiet).

The bedroom he had been using to house his metal-working tools was cooler than the rest of the house, though he suspected that was because the door was kept shut tightly (he did not want Amaranth and Kable wandering in without supervision, as it could be dangerous, though it was not forbidden) and he had left the window open just a little bit the last time that he had been working in there. It tended to get very warm very quickly when he was working, so he often left the window open, and he was very glad that the cold had not seeped into the rest of the house while it was cracked open just ever so slightly. The cold did not bother him, but the puppies were still young, and he did not want the cold to affect them at all, or their lovely mother.

Surveying the room calmly, Vigilante smiled at the thought of his mate. Despite the current dangerous situation to the north, he could not help but be happy with his life, and it was largely in part because of Ayita. With her present in the house, things were different, and he rather liked them. The children were with their father, and he was sure that Ayita was somewhere nearby, but he did not know if she was inside or out. He closed the window tightly, then left the room, shutting the door behind him with great care. If it was not shut correctly, it had the tendency to open again as a reflex, and it also had a very loud squeak when it reopened on its own. He did not know how, but he was going to have to find some sort of quietus for that noise. It was terribly annoying. Walkind down the hallway, the doggish man kept his eyes open for any sign of his mate's presence in the house, but found none, which he found very dissappointing.

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