My head gets so confused

... i wish this was better. ;.;

The older female hoped dearly that Cambria did not hold her question as one of judgment. Anu had no right to judge anyone, not with her history and especially in this sort of situation. It was only to delve deeper into the mind of the confused youngster, to truly understand where it was that these feelings came from. Even when her sea foam eyes moved away in obvious embarrassment Anu did not look away, nor did she retreat her soft touch but pressed slightly harder, reminding that she was still here and still accepting what ever she might say. She knew that there could not be something awfully wrong with what Cambria might say, though her worry that something horrible had happened to the little female was still in the back of her mind. There was trouble in her expression, but Anu waited until the words came forward.

Her first few sentences made the Lt. General’s mind go blank, though thankfully her hand, posture nor face followed suit in reaction. Remaining calm, Anu listened with the fear that something terrible had indeed happened to the soft toned fey. She felt h her thoughts flood back when she explained that she had ran away successfully, and Anu fought to catch up. She listened intensely, though she tried to look on with the same soft understanding. The woman nodded, slowly as she took in the story. Understanding now exactly what Cambria had experienced she first put one fact before all others. It wasn’t easy to talk about such things, especially when they were so confusing and caused the level of embarrassment Cambria was feeling. The most important thing Anu could do was show that what had happened was nothing to be ashamed of, and that she was quite courageous in seeking out explanations.

Anu nodded, the smile she wore softly curved and her eyes filled with that support she hoped to give Cambi. It was certainly a reason for her to believe that she had an attraction to females. For Anu it had come a bit later in life, and as she looked at the young wolfess Anu felt that her age was a hard time to come into such a realization. Perhaps if she had a more confidant personality and a bit older she would be able to understand what sex was between any two creatures? There was a moment of silence, and Anu knew that any more would only hurt,
“Its easy to get confused,” Anu begun, laying down the foundation for Cambria’s comfort.
“to not know what to do or who to talk to about it. But you can always come and talk to me, and I’m glad that you did.” The woman was beginning to ramble and before it became obvious she fought to find the words and tie them in as seamlessly as she could.
“A female is generally more gentle, and it sounds like you met someone very nice. It natural to react like that, when touched like that and in a caring way.” Anu prayed that she spoke words that helped, though she knew them to be honest.



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