My head gets so confused
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naaaaah :3 500+

Anu was right in guessing that this would not be a conversation or revelation that Cambria would ever forget. Something like this was life changing and unexpected. The girl had always just assumed or hoped that some day some boy would take an interest in her and they would fall in love and he would take care of her just as her father took care of her mother. To her that had always seemed to be the natural order of things, if you were lucky. With the realization that she was attracted to women instead of men that whole concept in her head had fallen apart and she was left feeling lost and confused. If the other woman wasn't there to help make her understand she wasn't sure what she would have done. Even if she hadn't thought that her parents would stop loving her, hearing Anu confirm that belief helped to calm the uneasiness in her stomach. "I thought so. I didn't think that they'd be mad really, I just needed to hear it, you know?" she said looking into those wise blue orbs. Surely she would understand the need to hear aloud what you knew in your heart to make it true. At least when it came to such delicate and unsure situations.

It was a relief that Anu didn't question her further about who the woman she had been with was. She could understand it if she had, but this was hard enough to talk about without having to go into too many details. Beside, Cambria really wouldn't have been able to tell her that much about Lolita even if she had wanted to. She knew her name, what she looked like, and where she lived from her scent, but those were the only concrete details that she had. She knew that she was gentle and caring, and that she had inadvertently become a major figure in the young girl's life. A part of Cambi still viewed her as a sort of angel, or heavenly figure. Logically she knew this wasn't true, but the feeling of it being that way was still there and she could not shake it. Even if she could she didn't think she really wanted to.

At the answer the young Marino nodded her head, taking the information in and absorbing it. She had started to feel that such a thing might be the case, but she hadn't known. She felt a little bad, that her first experience in this realm of life had not been with someone she loved in that way, but it would do no good to dwell on that. Even if she and Lolita were not in love, the pale woman had taken care of her in a time of need and she couldn't be upset about that. "I hope I can find someone that I can share it with like that. She was nice, but I do not think that we're meant to be together in that way." Cambria had a feeling that most of the time women were attracted to men and not other women. That was probably why she hadn't known about it until all of this. The girl couldn't help but question the notion that there was someone out there for her.


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