She’s like grace from the earth

yes, I am a dork and apparently so is Cambi XD 500+

        The pair quickly reached her room and she instructed Mati to sit down on the bed, which she did without protest. Cambria gathered up her bandages, clean cloths, and bottle of rubbing alcohol and walked over to Mati, setting the supplies down on the floor. There was also a shallow basin of water nearby which she pulled closer to her. Taking one of the clean cloths she dampened it in the water and gently took Mati's injured hand. The blood made it hard to see where exactly the cut was and how extensive it was and so she needed to wipe it a bit to be able to see more clearly. Carefully she dabbed the wet cloth against her hand, helping to remove some of the blood and exposing the wound to her searching eyes. "It doesn't look too bad. It should heal fairly quickly," she said reassuringly. "If you cut yourself again just come find me. I've been taking healing lessons with the healer in AniWaya. I still have a lot to learn, but I can take care of cuts like these." She couldn't blame Mati for becoming a little panicked after getting cut like that and not being able to find anything to help.

        With the cut now easily seen Cambria took the bottle of alcohol and placed the cloth underneath the other's hand. "This is going to sting, but it'll clean the cut and keep it from getting infected." She wondered if there was a herb that would do the same job as the alcohol and would be a little less harsh, but for now she had to make due with the pungent liquid. Slowly she poured the alcohol over and into the cut, letting it wash away any unwanted matter or bacteria. The girl took up another cloth and then pressed it again the cut. "Here, hold that there while I get the bandage ready." As the Marino measured out the cloth bandage her eyes darted back up to Mati's face for a moment. "How'd did it happen?" She supposed she didn't really need to know, but she was curious as to how the injury had occurred. If the older fey would prefer not to talk about it though she wouldn't press the matter.

        The bandage was ready and she took the cloth that was covering the wound away. Slender fingers securely but gently wrapped the bandage around the wound, covering it up and ensuring that it would stay clean and heal without issue. Chances were that she would need to change the covering later today after the cut started to scab over, but that wouldn't be an issue, she had plenty of bandages. She tied the cloth up to keep it in place. "There, that should do it. I might have to re-wrap it later, but this should do for now." Now that Mati was taken care of her gaze was not narrowed to just take in the current injury and her eyes traced up the other girl's arms to see scars etched into her forearms. Cambria's brows knit together in worry; she had never seen those before. Her fingers brushed lightly over the old, angry lines. "What happened here?" she asked, her eyes moving up to meet the violets of the Major.


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