mutilate insanity
[ooc] and as you're falling down

[bic] could i hear you scream?
He didn't care much that she had tried to hurt him.

In fact, it had felt good to the young masochist.

But that was all beside the point. He hadn't cared much for having punishment exacted upon him because he told her to get the fuck away from him. He wanted nothing to do with these despicable coyotes that couldn't even rise against the wolves. They were plenty strong enough to take them all out and claim all of Bleeding Souls.

Coexistence could not comprehend in the traitor's mind.

Nor could love. As Faolin situated herself between the den and himself, he knew full well what kind of day it was going to be.

Whether he was hurt, or he was hurt, it didn't matter.

As long as he tasted the baby flesh hidden within.

He stumbled back, appearing hurt by her assumptions, ears flattening to his skull as mind cackled. What? came his feigned whine, impressively realistic, as his acidic eyes widened. They even managed to look a bit teary. I just want to see them! I can't even see my own cousins? They weren't actually really related. It was the faintest of ties, but it existed.

Please? But his mind didn't want to just see them. It wanted to rip them limb from limb.


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