wrong words seem to rhyme

indent His eyes searched for somewhere where the youth could try to get away from this monster. Of course, there was nothing in sight – no hole, window, door, anything. He had the idea to run into another room in hopes of finding an exit, but was afraid that if he moved from here, he would only draw himself deeper into the trap. Where he was, he was close to the front door. Sure, it was bolted shut, but all the same Icarus felt reassured staying here than wandering off.

indent "What do you want with me!" Unlike the hybrid who seemed to be as calm and clear headed as if it was the middle of a summer day, Icarus called out with a voice that strained in fear. If his dad were here, he would come and save him. Too bad daddy was sick and couldn’t even fend for himself at the moment. There was clearly no hope for the pup. He had to think of a plan. And think fast, for there was no telling what the hybrid would decide to do next.


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