they crash around me

Hope this is alright, tried to leave it relatively open for you to decide if Andre only gets grazed/hit dead center/is moving too fast and gets missed entirely or whatever you feel like.

Skoll's experiences throughout life had been many and varied. In his earliest battles he had fought on four legs, depending on his berserker fury to carry the day. When he had been mandhandled by Gronnor a few months after beginning his life of battle, he accepted the tutelage of the eight year old, and learned for half a year all his master could teach of hand-to-hand fighting. After leaving Gronnor's pack, Skoll became a traveling warrior who defended the weak, before taking on a protege to pass on his newfound knowledge. The two of them had gone into the Four Pack war, and in the interests of staying alive in a conflict where human weaponry came into play for almost half of the combatants, Skoll had taken up the first weapon he'd found, a human lumber axe, and become proficient with it over the following months past that war and into the next. The Raven Feud had followed, and that had been the last major chapter in his life before Bleeding Souls.

Naturally gifted on four legs, trained thoroughly on two, and having learned to use axes and knives on his feet in the last four major excursions (including two since coming to Bleeding Souls), Skoll had done everything in his power to become the best warrior he could be. He had chosen a marketable skill, and it had gotten him by this far, though the tribulations of the work were written in volumes across his flesh.

As Andre took off to close the distance, Skoll's right hand that he'd lain across his weapon-bag wrapped around the axe handle, withdrawing it out and around in one fluid motion. He jumped backward and to the side at the same moment as he adjusted his grip, turning the axe head away from the oncoming youth. His eyes were focused, but there was no fire there, he did the maneuver in one clinical motion over the moment it took for the gray coyote to close the gap. The arc of the axe coming up and around into a raised position paused for a fraction of a second as synapses fired off in the old wolf's brain, and a minute twist in his arm and wrist lined up the blow, before the flat metal portion at the back of the axe's head came flying down toward Andre...

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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