A little birdy told me...
The pup heard the call of his name and came running. "MOMMY! MOMMY!" He shouted along the way in that gleeful little voice of his. His little paws carried him along, most of his coat causing him to blend in. "MOMMY! WHERE ARE YOU!?" He called out again as he glanced around, trying to spot the wolf that he was trying to find. But that didn't work out so well for him because as soon as he lost his focus he ended up tripping over his own paws and falling to the earth. But it didn't last long before he shook it off and started on his way again after getting back to his paws. It wasn't like it was the first time that he had fallen and it certainly wouldn't be the last. At least it would be highly unlikely that it would be the last. He wasn't exactly clumsy all the time but there were times when he got too excited and started to move faster than his little legs could keep up. Just as he had done.

He had been about to call out again when he finally saw the dark being standing out against the snow. "Mommy!" He giggled out and raced towards the figure. In his mind it could no one else standing there than who he was looking for. And clearly she was looking around for someone too. That someone had to be him. The small pup bounded through the snow, practically blending in except for the dark stripe down the middle of his back. He was still on four legs because he had yet learned to to shift. He still wasn't too far past three months so it wasn't like it was that strange. And he was used to two legged beings and knew that he would end up that way someday. But right now none of that was on his mind. He was just glad to be back with his Mommy right now.

He yipped and moved towards Ember, tail wagging happily still. Once he got to her he made to place his forepaws against her legs so that he could stand on his own hind legs and make himself just a bit taller. "Mommy! I've missed you!" He spoke the words in a rush, tongue lulling out in a pant. He practically danced on his hindpaws, still so full of energy. But it wasn't as if he could help it with how young he was. And ell, he was excited still.

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