vitamin k

Aiden turned glancing over his shoulder and out over the tailing end of his brother. Another wolf was coming up behind him, though he was entirely different than Pilot. This wolf was colored an auburn brown, unlike the seemingly clean slate of white that covered his brother. Raising a small hand, Aiden waved to the new comer, before turning his face down towards Pilot’s ear. “There’s someone behind us,” he informed him.

Pilot turned to lay his grey eyes on the Jaded Shadows wolf, one whom he hadn’t met before. Either way, he offered a thin smile and stopped walking, at least for the moment. "Good morning!", he called, though it was clearly already the afternoon. In meeting his brother, Pilot had lost track of the time of day or even of where he was going. He was just too excited to see a familiar face from his past life to care about the other small details.


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