wemoweh, wemoweh (in the jungle!)

Oops. He hadn't meant it as a bad thing--he actually thought that Pilot was a fair hand at drawing. Physe couldn't do it at all, really...just basic shapes, like circles. He did have a nice set of watercolor paints that he liked to play with sometimes, but he never really made anything that could be classified as art. Whenever he did do something that was semi-good, it was abstract.

He didn't like to remember how he'd died, or the month before his death. It had been a hard way to go, with pneumonia and that other, unnamed illness that made him dizzy and weak. It was some sort of a cancer, but he didn't know enough about medicine to tell which one. All that he knew was that he'd had the symptoms. The last month of his life had been spent alone; no one had come by to see him, and he had eventually wasted away in that cave in what was now known as the Moaning Woods. After the actual event of his death, he had been able to watch, to see who came by. Naniko had buried him, and she had told Dierdre. A small funeral and a night of talking and remembering.

"Mmm...yes. When her mother tried to commit suicide, Dierdre was taken away from her. I was already friends with Deuce at the time, so I volunteered to take care of her for a while..and adopted her. After a few months, though, she ran away. She was always running away from everything." Maybe that was too much information. "In any case...well, I know that she came back before I died. I'm glad that she found somebody to be with--she was a real treasure. How about you? Where did you come from?"


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