These feelings will be gone
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getting a faster reply than I'm up for after SoSu, because I SHOW YOU HOW WE DO EET HERE. /spazzes

Why was winter such a groggy, disgusting season? Geography be damned, Strelein wanted it to be sunny with palm trees and warm sand. Not that the redhead knew much about the tropics and what went on there, but he sure loved the stories of them; he just did not want to wake up to see wet snow falling thickly outside his window and coating the sill with the stuff. Cold rooms were not inviting and Strel would never let friends visit in such a season since he lacked a fireplace in both of his rooms at the Hotel. The bedroom was a small one and the former dining room did not need a fireplace even in its heyday. At least a roaring blaze could be started in the lounge. That was something, was it not?

Yet whenever it happened to snow even a bit, Strel left home and wandered, unable to sit still for long. It reminded him of Michigan and he did not want to brood his anger towards them. Had he remained in his room, beautiful as it was, he would have ended up hurting himself after punching the floor so much from frustration. The second floor would echo from the loud bombast he would give over the indignation he had suffered..The Marquis was very glad to be where he was, but this all would not have happened had his old home been so unjust and unfair to a progressive mind. Naturally, his walks would be long when he did not have sewing work to do. So by the end of his trek, he ended up somewhere beyond the stables and much further south than he thought he would've gone. No wonder he almost walked into a horse. Only he could have, really.

Startled, the redhead yelped, jumping backwards and hands shooting out of the jean pockets. What he did was shoot himself back far enough to trip over his own two feet and tail. With a resounding thud, slight pain radiated from his rear. Strel looked up at the creature he almost walked into like some absent minded dodo. "Oh god, a horse. Just what I needed," he said, eyes widening as he scrambled to rise and dust off the wet snow. Naturally, paying attention let him see the woman on the creature's back. "Sorry, miss - Miss? Madam? Missus? - whatever, but I have accidentally stumbled upon you. Uh hi. Sorry for almost crashing into you, uh, guys."


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