i don't feel the same
http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... efinal.png);background-repeat: no-repeat; padding-bottom:140px; background-position: bottom center;">
What else do you want them to do? I’m enjoying this thread too much to end it now.

Barring something really outrageous like becoming a serial killer, Kansas probably couldn’t do anything that would lower Phoenix’s regard for him. This boy staring at him was his son, even if he didn’t really look like it. Every time he looked at Kansas, or Icarus, or Ember, he felt a sense of awe when he considered how they had his blood flowing through their veins. With Icarus and Ember it was much more apparent; with Kansas it was just hidden. But that perhaps only increased the sense of awe when he looked at the boy who looked so much like his mother. Would any of them become more like him when they were older? Would they be telepaths, or have manes that stayed out even when unshifted? Time would tell. At least they had him to blaze the trail for them and guide them through the changes that had frightened him so much as an unguided adolescent.

Childhood stories were never anything Phoenix found pleasure in or reminiscing about. He didn’t particularly enjoy talking about his youth to his progeny; Iskata always had more pleasant stories to tell them. But there was no denying Phoenix’s stories were much more exciting, and sometimes he managed to look past the trauma and feel flattered that his children had so much interest. The patriarch looked amusedly at his son for a minute before he began telling the tale. He loved them so much—and he hoped that they would never leave him, like Firefly did. He didn’t want to keep them from growing up and living their own lives, but he hoped that they would live them out here with him.

When he was done he cleared his throat and stood back up, leaning into the river for a drink. He was enjoying watching his children grow up and develop into full individuals with their own personalities and characteristics. “Anythin’ else you wanna know?” he asked, hoping for a yes. His knowledge was there for his son’s benefit. All he had to do was ask. Right now he knew he was a king in his children’s eyes and he reveled in their admiration. It would diminish with time, he knew, but he planned to maintain being their hero for as long as he could.

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