in place of eve a bitter Parody hails

for the Jedi Smile 300+

The snow had finally transformed into rain. She'd listened to the noise from her chamber at night, silence growing into a dull roar as the snow melted into the more dense state of rain that pounded against the rooftops. The morning brought a storm of lesser might, the rain calmed to a light drizzle that followed her into Halifax. She walked on four legs as was her most comfortable form, but around her shoulder she wore her blue beaded bag, whispering a quiet jingling music with her every footstep. Inside was her pipe and her lighter; she was going into Halifax on a mission. She only had a bit of marijuana left, which she'd left safely in a knothole of her wall. If she'd brought it with her and found nothing more in town, it would have been too difficult to keep herself from smoking it, and thens he would have nothing left for later tonight. She was thinking ahead of time; taking care of herself.

The slender woman entered the streets with senses alert, though the rain tarnished the sensitivity of her nose, quite an inconvenience. She entered porches and sniffed at windows, on a silent search for no one but herself (things were quicker, and more efficient, when one was alone). After two hours it already midday, and she ignored the growling in her stomach to continue searching. She was patient, and at long last, she found a house that appeared even more dilapidated than those that surrounded it. The faint scent of her favorite plant permeated from the garage, a scent she knew too well to doubt. She shook off her purse and sifted into her two-legged form, affording her the use of her hands to lift the garage door. As the gray light slowly illuminated the surprisingly empty space, she saw that there was a smallish bag of pot on a bench in the corner. It took her a ridiculously small amount of time to discover it. She didn't bother closing the door, but rather headed straight for the baggy. She lifted it into her slender fingers and marveled at the crystal green. Perfect.

But the pot wasn't all she found. Her eyes lit upon a foul-smelling cabinet riddled by mold and moss, its door cracked to reveal the glint of glass bottles. Her bag of weed in her hand, she opened the cabinet and found a nice little collection of wine bottles. There was an opener there too. She grabbed a bottle and the opener and sat on the bench, popping the cork and taking a long drink. When half the bottle was gone, Fae awkwardly found her bag and loaded herself a fat bowl, taking a gigantic rip. The smoke swirled around her head and a lighthearted haze filled her mind, washing her cares away, leaving her to marvel at her discoveries and the state perfection they'd brought to her.

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