Don't say we're healing when it's just not what we

She wanted to tell Deuce immediately, but wasn't sure if it was the right time just yet. She needed to know how her mother was doing, how she had been faring since the last time that Dierdre had been around to visit. The necklace that she had given to her hung around her neck, a gentle reminder of the relationship that the grandmother-to-be and daughter had. They had gone through a lot together in the past, but everything had been forgiven and forgotten. They were in the "now".

"It's going well. I've been catching a lot of fish lately, keeping the food hole in Storm full of them. How's the bow working out for you?" She sat down when the bed was patted, dust floating up into the air from the comforter. She wanted to ask Deuce a few questions, about names, as well. She had been thinking about some names for the pups, whether they were girls or boys.

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