Don't say we're healing when it's just not what we

She didn't know a lot about the things that were going on with her body, only what she had managed to figure out from the old human medical books. And those things only applied to humans. Dierdre would have to ask a lot of questions along the way, to make sure things were going along normally. It would probably be a good idea to go and see Fatin, too...she knew a ton about medicines.

"Hmm? Yes! I didn't know...that she hadn't come by yet. Maybe she had trouble finding you--especially if you keep hanging out all the way out here in the city!" She bounced a little bit on the bed, running her hands down the comforter. "Is it...good news to you that she's back? It was nice to see her again. I told her where you were at, Jaded Shadows, but nothing about Lucifer. I wasn't sure if it would be my place."


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