but your fears ain't no strangers for me
You can see her whenever it rains
___ Kansas!

From Rome to New Orleans dancing on the graves
___ She was unsure as to why she was here again, though, there did not seem to be any reason as to why she shouldn't be here (well, aside from pack politics, that was). It was curious how even she was unsure of her motive for venturing this far from her own pack, though, she tried not to let it bother her. She had taken her time, meandering from her own pack, across the Yawrah where she had enjoyed a quick dip in the water, taking her time to make her way through the unclaimed territory as her fur had dried. The entire day had proceeded in an unplanned manner, with Tayui deciding, on a whim, to go out and do something. She had spent so much time recently staying in Jaded Shadows and remaining where the pack members could more easily find her, but today, she had decided on a whim to visit somewhere else, anywhere.

___ Presently, she was jogging at a comfortable pace, keeping with the the quietly bubbling stream that led into Storm. The day was still young, with the sun hanging just out of arm's reach in the sky, and the rays of light filtering through the occasional tree. It was a rather warm day considering the time of month, and although it was technically Autumn, it was nice enough to be able to admire the trees without noticing the nip and sting of the wind. Instead of the tendrils of the air picking at her fur, it moved softly and slowly, almost perceptibly. The slight breeze made the trees move, casting shadows and light across the land. Tayui inhaled slowly, closing her eyes briefly, opening them again to admire the lands. It was nothing short of beautiful.

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