Now we'll be free. Marit's turn!

Vark limped slightly towards the dwelling that Conor had said Haku was staying. Scabs were evident over his left hind leg, and it pained him slightly to bend the knee. Vark pondered as he neared the designated building. Conor had seemed upset, about something Haku had done. And that something had been horrible. Vark had noticed, that the only time Haku had ever acknowledged his existence was when he allowed Vark to join the pack. After that, it was as if the only reason he was still there was because he kept out of Haku's way. His new friendship with Conor had grown strongly within Vark, and he aimed to help his good friend in anyway he could. Vark had got the feeling that there was a possibility of a fight between the to Souls. But he doubted it would come to anything. Haku was there pack leader after all, Vark reassured himself. And after all, Conor is his son.


Vark saw the place as he rounded the last corner, but the scene unfolded so quickly and violently, Vark was simply stunned. The two Souls burst from the house, struggling. Another Dahlia, senior to Vark, had already leapt in and was attempting to separate the two. Vark collected his thoughts. He started to lope towards the fight, but his head was in turmoil. His loyalty was to Haku, so he thought, who had allowed him into the pack. He was his leader. But Conor had given him somewhere to stay, healed him of his wounds, and most of all, was his friend and mentor. Varks head swam with indecision. Haku was evidently trying to kill his friend. And leaders should not kill there subjects. Vark came to a decision. He was still in his bulky Secui form. He accelerated to a blistering speed, and launched his body at full tilt into the mass of body's, attempting to throw everybody to the ground and break the fight up.



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